Floraunabook (Fauna): Qaleri

From The Somewhere Else Encyclopedia

The Qaleri ("Comrades") are an ancient fauna species that accompany individual People from certain forms and tribes from the time of Election until their partner's death. They are unknown to be related closely to any other fauna, and certain aspects set them apart from other fauna like their unique intelligence and partnering habits and the large diversity among their species, but it is still clearly visible that they are fauna. Qaleri perceive "Family", and have greatly elaborate and strong family structures among their own species as well as incredible loyalty to their partners. Only a good fit of a Qaleri will Elect a person, and they will then uniquely adjust themselves and their habits even further to fit to their partners. They will also grow and learn alongside their partner as well. It is thus ultimately clear that they "match" their specific partner. Some, but not all, Qaleri are known to talk, though their thinking is clearly different from People's. They are known for showing altruism, and if it will not put their partner at immediate risk, they are known to put themselves at risk to save their fellow Qaleri. However, they form such a strong emotional bond with their People that they will put their People even beyond their own needs or those of their Qaleri family, and they only very rarely outlive their partners by any significant amount of time. Only one Qaleri will choose a Person, and if they die before their partner does, the Qaleri will mourn them and no Qaleri will replace the former one.

There are multiple other fauna species known for being greatly loyal companions to People Somewhere Else. What sets the Qaleri apart is their great intelligence, their (natural) great tameness, the degree of their great diversity, and their perception of Family. It almost appears as if the Qaleri were totally designed to be friends to People, as it is extraordinarily rare for a Qaleri to exist that does not ever Elect a partner Person.