Lorebook: People

From The Somewhere Else Encyclopedia

People are those created by the All-Creator with certain qualities setting them apart from the rest of the fauna of Somewhere Else. There was originally one form, the Qualruun ("original folk"), though they now come in various forms all sharing the same ultimate origin and basic building blocks. They are capable of reason and creativity and they possess moral conscience, they also have agency and are capable of choice. They have thoughts about their thoughts. They are not merely material nor merely spirit but possess both in an unavoidably evident way. They are not independent of the rest of creation but rather the pinnacle of it, exemplifying its purpose. Back at creation, they ruled over Somewhere Else together as steward-kings (an alternate translation for the word Qualruun). Originally, all people were immortal; however they have always been limited unlike the All-Creator (who can create with no point of reference, and who has always existed).

And thus they were created due to the great love of the All-Creator. The All-Creator willed for creation to bestow blessing and blessing upon: to love. He created all, foremost, People, in accordance with that. As His creations, they were made to love.
The Great Creation, from The Great Tapestry