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From The Somewhere Else Encyclopedia
- 21:31, 1 February 2025 Atlas: County Hondrim (hist | edit) [704 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Category: Atlas '''County Hondrim''' is one of the eleven counties of Meyr, in the Great Hajle. It is characterized by its hills, its lush farmlands, and its people's singsongy accent. Comparatively, it is one of the lesser-populated counties in Meyr with lots of room but being isolated due to the natural mountain barrier separating it from it and adjacent Atlas: County Cherim|County Cherim...") Tag: Visual edit
- 21:14, 31 January 2025 Lynguistykon: Loanword (hist | edit) [688 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A '''loanword''' is a word imported from one language to another for relatively regular use in it. This is especially common when a phenomena is primarily or originally observed by a certain people group and then later known to others. Popular Language words, especially Peoplespeak ones, are often used alongside words by a speaker in their native language, bu...")
- 22:34, 29 January 2025 Lorebook: Dreams (hist | edit) [415 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Dreams''' are times spent cognitively away from where one may physically be located in either space or time (though they may be perceived as occurring in the same place and time). They may be purely theoretical or may be something more, and this is not ''completely'' understood by even the wisest Somewhere Else. Technically, it may be said that all dreams are spent ''somewhere else''. Category: Lorebook")
- 19:24, 29 January 2025 Lynguistykon: Grammar (hist | edit) [381 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Grammar''' is the study of how languages work: how they are formally and informally structured and used in communication. It includes the study of letters, words, morphemes, phonemes, and syntax, along with the other things pertaining to linguistic structure. Category: Lynguistykon Category: Lynguistykon (Grammar)")
- 20:31, 23 January 2025 Lynguistykon (Pailich): Bases (hist | edit) [207 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The bases of Pailich. Category: Lynguistykon Category: Lynguistykon (Pailich)")
- 20:31, 23 January 2025 Lynguistykon (Pailich): Affixes (hist | edit) [483 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The affixes of Pailich. ==Prefixes== Prefixes are affixes that attach at the beginning of a word. ==Infixes== Infixes are affixes that attach in the inner contents of a word. ==Suffixes== Suffixes are affixes that attach at the end of a word. Category: Lynguistykon Category: Lynguistykon (Pa...")
- 20:05, 23 January 2025 Lynguistykon: Popular Language (hist | edit) [4,883 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Popular Language(s)''' of Somewhere Else are those languages used by large percentages of its people inhabitants, largely irrespective of their own origins and outside of the original heartlands of the language. Because of the vastness of Somewhere Else, throughout its history there has been more than one Popular Language and often more than one concurrently as well.") originally created as "Lynguistykon:Popular Language"
- 19:58, 23 January 2025 Lynguistykon: Pailich (hist | edit) [615 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Pailich''' is an ancient-rooted language of people. It descends from Old Pailich, one of the oldest languages known to people, though not believed to be as old as Umshk. It serves as a popular language for much of Somewhere Else, and is unrelated to Umshk and, save for some choice loanwords, is completely linguistically distin...")
- 08:25, 23 January 2025 Lynguistykon (Umshk): Bases (hist | edit) [928 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The bases of Umshk. Category: Lynguistykon Category: Lynguistykon (Umshk)")
- 08:18, 23 January 2025 Lynguistykon: Bases (hist | edit) [715 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A '''base''' is the morpheme(s) comprising the main portion of a word, often combined with one or more affixes to create a word with altered or deeper meaning.")
- 07:58, 23 January 2025 Lynguistykon: Affixes (hist | edit) [1,254 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Affixes''' are morphemes appended at the beginning, middle, and/or end of a word (i.e. attached to the other morpheme(s) comprising it) to alter or deepen its meaning. Category: Lynguistykon") Tag: Visual edit
- 08:56, 22 January 2025 Cuisinebook: Rakhalen (hist | edit) [122 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Rakhalen''' is a stew rich in flavor prepared with fruits of the sea and certain vegetables. Category: Cuisinebook") originally created as "Cuisinebook (Rakhalen)"
- 08:52, 22 January 2025 Lynguistykon (Umshk): Affixes (hist | edit) [1,127 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The affixes of Umshk. Category: Lynguistykon Category: Lynguistykon (Umshk)")
- 08:47, 22 January 2025 Lynguistykon: Phonemes (hist | edit) [997 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Phonemes''' are (in essence) sounds. Category: Lynguistykon")
- 02:25, 22 January 2025 Lynguistykon: Language (hist | edit) [5,863 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Language''' is how living beings communicate, combining words and usually intonations to record or transfer meaning. How those words and intonations present themselves varies very widely among species, cultures, and even individuals. Language can be audibly, visually, or otherwise sensorily communicated. Language can be the means by which a living being communicates internally, as well. ===Words==...")
- 00:38, 22 January 2025 Lynguistykon: Umshk (hist | edit) [1,182 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Umshk''' is one of the oldest known languages of all people. It is believed that perhaps even the Qualruun spoke Umshk at one point, and many different people forms did afterward. Original full words and phonemes regarding people, beliefs, philosophies, technologies, foods, florauna, and more still permeate through the world today, even far beyond the borders of where the Qualruun are believed to h...") Tag: Visual edit
- 23:15, 21 January 2025 Lorebook: Carishala (hist | edit) [1,083 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Carishala''' are pottery fashioned from dust and/or clays compacted together with water and heated up to high degrees to harden and maintain form. They are known for their heat retention and due to their use in slower preparations, for their contribution to taste as well. They can be left plain/undecorated (though sometimes colored) or can be intricately decorated on the outside as well. Carishala are found amongst many of the peoples of Some...") Tag: Visual edit
- 20:52, 14 January 2025 Lorebook: Transportation (hist | edit) [472 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Transportation''' is the moving from one place to another of living and/or non-living things. There are multiple means and methods of transportation and it can be done on scales as small as from one area of a room to another to one plane to another. This article would be unable to discuss all the methods of transportation possible Somewhere Else, but it catalogues some of the better-known ones and some other notable ones. Category: Lorebook")
- 20:44, 14 January 2025 Lorebook: Measurements (hist | edit) [625 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Measurements''' are the systems used to tell the scales and shapes of things. For example, there are systems of measurement used to measure how loud or quiet sound is, as well as systems of measurement to measure how wide or narrow something is. On occasion there are multiple ways to describe the measurement of the same thing; for example multiple ways to describe how loud or how quiet a sound is. However, there are also relatively ubiquitous systems of measurement u...")
- 02:05, 11 January 2025 Lorebook: Music (hist | edit) [383 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Music''' is the arranging of sounds, vibrations, and/or expressions, often including words, that displays creativity and can convey emotions or thoughts outward. It can take many forms, from humming, howling, or singing to the playing of any of the many instruments.")
- 01:57, 11 January 2025 Healthbook: Anatomy (hist | edit) [236 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Anatomy''' refers to the physical external and internal layout of life forms and the study of that. It also includes the study of their inner systems. It is especially important to ''health'' Somewhere Else.")
- 21:20, 10 January 2025 Lorebook: Romance (hist | edit) [324 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Romance''' is one aspect of love and is particularly intrinsic to marriage. Category: Lorebook Category: Lorebook (People)")
- 21:11, 10 January 2025 Lorebook: Love (hist | edit) [9,312 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Love''' was and is the reason for creation, as made most clear by the All-Creator ("The Original Lover"). It is seen prominently in '''giving'''. Some do not understand it; but those who witness it are again and again forever changed by it.") Tag: Visual edit
- 20:45, 10 January 2025 Lorebook: Marriage (hist | edit) [1,662 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Marriage''' is the lifelong bonding of two people created differently yet the same, husband and wife, joined together into one by the All-Creator. The joining together can only occur if done by the All-Creator, and thus carries a weight and a power that goes far beyond any society's abilities. {{quote|text=As He had planned, in His love He designed another, the two meant to fit together. They were to love all other People [those to come after them...") Tag: Visual edit
- 19:34, 10 January 2025 Lorebook: Engineering (hist | edit) [453 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Engineering''' is the study and use of materials to create and improve specialized things, from houses to transfer systems to machines. Engineering has had significant impacts on everything from food/shelter to transportation and other various facets of day-to-day life. Minerals are extensively used in engineering and enable many of the things taken for granted Somewhere Else.") Tag: Visual edit
- 21:22, 9 January 2025 Lorebook: Prophecy (hist | edit) [812 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Prophecy''' is the proclamation of truth(s) that comes not from the '''prophet''' speaking them. These factual statements can be about times other than the one the prophet is currently living in, though that is not always the case. Prophetical messages are believed to align with The Book of History, a theorized Book containing all events (though it is unclear whether it is a physical book/anthology, or allegorical). What ''is'' known...") Tag: Visual edit
- 20:52, 9 January 2025 Healthbook: Healing (hist | edit) [1,041 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Healing''' occurs in multiple forms Somewhere Else. == Minerals == Certain minerals have intrinsic qualities resulting in natural healing, ranging from minor healing of bumps and bruises to major healing of serious diseases. They can be healing simply on their own or via equipment fashioned with them, and they can also be used in medicines (see below). == Medicines == Medicines are mixes of d...") Tag: Visual edit
- 17:48, 9 January 2025 Lorebook: Fashioning (hist | edit) [119 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Fashioning''', also known as '''crafting''', is the use of materials to create something(s).") Tag: Visual edit
- 23:31, 8 January 2025 Lorebook: Malakhhim (hist | edit) [886 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Malakhhim''', also known as '''Angels''', are beings created by the All-Creator who possess similar qualities to the "people" species. Like people, the All-Creator loves them, and they have intelligence, emotions, and will. They are believed to have existed prior to the people species and are very powerful, but they are limited in ways the All-Creator is not. They minister to the people species and have great impact on them but it usually occu...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 22:16, 8 January 2025 Lorebook: Qualruun (hist | edit) [384 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit))
- 20:47, 8 January 2025 Lorebook: People (hist | edit) [1,430 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''People''' are those created by the All-Creator with certain qualities setting them apart from the rest of the fauna of Somewhere Else. There was originally one form, the Qualruun ("original folk"), though they now come in various forms all sharing the same ultimate origin and basic building blocks. They are capable of reason and creativity and they possess moral conscience, they also have agency and are capable of choice....") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 19:01, 7 January 2025 Lorebook: The In-Between (hist | edit) [253 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial Edit)) Tag: Visual edit
- 08:37, 2 January 2025 Lorebook (People): Tulius Donaigan (hist | edit) [270 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit)) Tag: Visual edit: Switched originally created as "Lorebook: People: Tulius Donaigan"
- 08:12, 2 January 2025 Floraunabook (Fauna): Mayaak (hist | edit) [276 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit)) Tag: Visual edit: Switched originally created as "Floraunabook:Fauna:Mayaak"
- 07:19, 2 January 2025 Lorebook (Minerals): Palikom (hist | edit) [179 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Palikom''' is a mineral found Somewhere Else of silver-gray appearance that is gently magnetic. Category: Lorebook Category: Lorebook:Minerals") Tag: Visual edit: Switched originally created as "Lorebook: Minerals: Palikom"
- 07:05, 2 January 2025 Lorebook: Minerals (hist | edit) [641 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit)) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 06:43, 2 January 2025 Floraunabook (Flora): Yolkfruit (hist | edit) [298 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit)) originally created as "Floraunabook: Yolkfruit"
- 05:48, 2 January 2025 Somewhere Else (hist | edit) [272 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial Edit)) Tag: Visual edit
- 05:35, 2 January 2025 The Gallery (hist | edit) [109 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit))
- 05:34, 2 January 2025 The Library (hist | edit) [108 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit))
- 05:31, 2 January 2025 Lynguistykon (hist | edit) [536 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial Edit))
- 05:28, 2 January 2025 Lorebook (hist | edit) [637 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit))
- 04:14, 2 January 2025 Healthbook (hist | edit) [118 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit))
- 03:56, 2 January 2025 Guidesbook (hist | edit) [149 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit))
- 03:55, 2 January 2025 Floraunabook (hist | edit) [498 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit))
- 03:47, 2 January 2025 Cuisinebook (hist | edit) [162 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit))
- 03:41, 2 January 2025 Guidesbook: Handy Traveler's Guide (hist | edit) [395 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial edit))
- 03:35, 2 January 2025 Armourybook (hist | edit) [157 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ((Initial Edit))
- 02:06, 2 January 2025 Atlas (hist | edit) [1,405 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) ([Initial edit explaining Atlas]) Tag: Visual edit
- 01:42, 2 January 2025 The Journal (hist | edit) [517 bytes] TheLibrarian (talk | contribs) (Initial edit ("The Journal")) Tag: Visual edit